Nekkyo Zine #3
Contact Tifa

I love to get mail!

Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Written something that you'd like me to consider for a future issue? For the love of God, e-mail me!

Just click this address to send mail:


What you might see in future issues....
- a site award for fan pages each issue
- contributers comments
- quiz/contest
- polls
- a complete Lunar 2:EBC walkthrough
- a Parasite Eve walkthrough
- Old Skool

If you would like to see something that's here, or maybe even something that's not here, tell me! I'll try my best to give you guys what you want!


Baka's Fetish | Chain Letters | Fan Art | Fan Fiction | Final Images | G4m3|2z 3l1t3 | Light's Adventure | Mailbag | That's My Sonic! | Contact Tifa