Nekkyo Zine #6


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Here's a Chance For You to Contribute!

What I love about the wired is the opportunity to share my thoughts with others. But I also like to hear what others think and to exchange ideas.

On this page, I'll share some of the comments I've received via e-mail. In some cases, comments will be responded to. So if you want your comments here, make them as stupid, funny, or silly as possible!

From: "Ryan Knutson" <>
Subject: Nekkyo Zone #5 Poem
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 13:03:15 -0600

Hello is I, Professor Ghast once again,

I am writing in responce to the very scary poem that I have just read in Nekkyo Zone #5 about the 'fairer' sex, and I must say that it makes me feel quite confused. Is this the reason that I wish start fight clubs in the basements of bars; to steal human fat deposits, mix them in to bars of pink soap, and explode commerical buildings only to end up losing a large portion of my poor brain and Id through a self-inflicted gun shot to the head? Yes, perhaps the issues of gender equality hit too soft a spot for me; the poem was only ment for kitch, and not for the subconcious psychological abuse of myself and others like me. But I still must wonder, do women really need men then after hearing about how much fault we have? Are we that horrid, disgusting, and ignorant? We are no good then, apart from the occational lifting of heavy objects and reaching onto high shelves. Without the fantastic benifit of being mildy attractive, with a towering hight, chizzled physique, well proportioned porn-star-like features, and the genes which allow me to keep my hair in the future, is it my destiny then to be cast away with my genes unwanted by those women who would wish to reproduce? Does this explain why my new fiancee shuns my requests to snuggle up with her on cold winter nights and my attempts at constant verbal praise on her most angelic appearance so often fails?

Every time I get into these discussions of gender equality, I question my self-worth and find more and more that in life, women have the subconcious, absolute power and command. That while you don't need us in the long run...we (or maybe it's just I) certainly do need you whether we know it or not.

This is the end of my crazy, illogical banter. Please excuse it if it was too much. (Thank goodness I didn't go into oedipus complexes or other wonderful Freudian terms and theories that dot our world of psychology) With my peace having been said, I thank you for listening and bid you good day.

Prof. Ghast,
(aka, Ryan Knutson)

Well Ghast.... that certainly was a mouthfull!
You really shouldn't take these silly things so seriously though. They're just to point at and giggle!
If it makes you feel any better, I'm running the MALE version of this poem this month. I'm sure you'll have some comments for it too. ^_^

Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 22:17:38 EST
Subject: Re: Award Me?

hm...I only found the Pokemon Puzzle league...but that's all right, your site is cool! You get my award anyway!

I like all your opinionated opinions. I thought for a while too on why we're not big buds with you Canadians. I mean, there you are! And we aren't enemies, so why aren't we close? Maybe its because you're too peaceful to be a useful ally. Go drop a bomb somewhere, and then maybe Bush will suddenly remember that you exist.

But don't yell at him too much. If he lost the election, we would have been stuck with that total idiot Gore. And if you follow our presidential election news coverage stuff (ha, I don't even pay attention) you would see that if HE were president now, he'd be saying "Someone out in Afghanistan today killed a lot of people...I'm scared...I want my teddy...*chokes but somehow regains composure*...there's nothing I can do, so the USA must come under the rule of the Taliban. (people in turbans move into the white house) So much for me finding a girlfriend..." (I dunno if he's married. hope he isn't.)

Oh, and if your worried, I didn't take any offense. Our country does seem to act like we're the best and forgets that other countries exist. (you can use that line as a quote from an American, herself, if you want.) That makes me feel bad that other countries either hate us or thinks that we are full of ourselves. I hope that I'm not like that, I don't think I am like that...and I do have quite a few online Canadian friends. Also, there's one girl in New Zealand. Very interesting conversations, let me say...

I HATE WINTER. Well, actually, I like winter if we get a light dusting of snow once or twice around Christmas and its in the 50s (F) for the rest of the time, but I hate walking to the bus in a skirt (because my dumb school has a uniform) at 6:45 AM before the sun is up and the wind is blowing and there's a little snow falling and its below freezing!! and then my bus driver decides to come 5 minutes early and I have just enough time to see it drive RIGHT PAST ME, and then I got to walk all the stinking way home again! ARGH! I know, I'm only in New Jersey, and your up in Polar-Bear-Land, Canada, and I really shouldn't be complaining to you, but I HATE BEING COLD! And THEN after school I go online, and Miss Texas wants to know if she could pay me to come and shovel for me and its like, "Sure!!! But you have no idea what your wishing for."

Sorry if you're offended with the reference to polar bears. When we think of Canada, we see the frozen tundra and a bunch of park rangers from Dudley DoRight. Or at least I usually do. What do you see when you think of us?

Oh, and if you find it possible, don't close your zine. It's too cool! You don't HAVE to be frequent with it. I just liked reading all of what you wanted to say. =)


^^; Thanks for the letter! I'm glad you enjoy our zine! ^_^;
