Nekkyo Zine #6


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Chain Letters


Ahhh MEN....
Everyday I give thanks to my God
that I've got a Dick and a tight ass bod.
I like to play sports, I love to get naked,
Is it our fault that you girls can't take it? I
own lots of tools and don't mind putting on weight,
when I get ready for a party, my ass is never late.
I can actually drive a car and even change a tire,
my ability to produce children will never expire.
When a male is born, it is clearly heaven-sent,
that's probably why a woman has never been president.
I can pee without squatting, I've slept in a tent,
women's fatal flaw is that they are subservient.
First and foremost, my looks don't govern my life,
When I gain a few pounds, I don't go under the knife.
I don't read the nutrition labels, I like to eat meat,
if any women objects, she can just take a seat.
I don't own a hairdryer,I brush my hair with my hands,
I am considered the better gender in the majority of lands
I masturbate openly, I secretly desire a
mirror on my ceiling
I don't go cry when someone hurts my feelings.
Listen to me girls, I need to tell you
something right quick
it pertains to lovemaking and my almighty Dick
That thing in your pants that you guard like treasure,
Men don't respect you for it, we just see it as pleasure.
I like it squeezed, jacked, licked and sucked,
I am capable of having sex and saying "we fucked."
I like to have sex and finish with a roar,
I hope to remain a promiscuous bachelor.
Bitches think that they're "all that,"
But we don't care about every ounce of fat.
Just cuz your thighs cause mass amounts of friction,
Doesn't mean you belong outside of the kitchen!!
Any girl that objects, just respond please,
But on one condition, first get off your knees...
I have a little advice to my fellow men, and I'm afraid I
can't lie, NEVER trust anything that can bleed for four days and then not DIE!
Right at home is where women should stay,
Cuz men are the ones that make the pay.
At least our Dick doesn't sag when we get older,
I've seen better looking bitches by the name of Rover.
At least my body doesn't bleed that certain week,
Bitch you're just jealous, don't sweat the technique.
You constantly get played like childrens games,
Guys just fuck you and forget your names!!!!!!!
Bitches all be hanging from my large nutsack,
Now what the fuck are you going to say after this counter attack...