Nekkyo Zine #6


Baka's Fetish | Chain Letters | Fan Art | Fan Fiction | Final Images | G4m3|2z 3l1t3 | Light's Adventure | Mailbag | Manga Phile | Profile | Rufus and Cloud | That's My Sonic! | Contact Tifa
Baka's Fetish

what to rant on...think think think...uhm...cpt?

*Ahem* This semester, I am taking Communications Productions Technology. The class kicks ass, the teacher kicks ass...But most of all THE EQUIPMENT KICKS ASS. I would like to see YOU guys get your hands on a Mackie 1402 VLZ-PRO! Sweet like sweet sweet Sony Mavica Digital Still Cameras. CPT is where you make audio and video conent using high-tech equipment and Imovie on iMacs. We even have two recording studios ^_^ count em, TWO! God, this isn't even a rant, this is a promotion for Sony equipment! Seriously here. CPT is all about the cycle of production. Pre-Production, Production, and post-production. Since B-A-K-A Productions "went out of business" (we only film special events now, like Sha-Do-Kan matches or whatever) CPT is the solution. We get to make movies and whatnot....With very expensive equipment. My school is the only one in the city (Besides Knoll I think) that can handle 14 people ALL using IMovie and a firewire connection to a Sony Digital Hi-8 without being lagged. Talk about one hell of a powerful lab. p|-|34|2 Campbell Collegiate! Anyways, I'm planning on putting all the movies and shot sequences (amd audio as well) up on my site, so stay tuned for more!