Nekkyo Zine #7


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Rufus and Cloud

Part 2:


May 23, XXXX

Dear Rufus,

Hey, bro, how do you like Junon? Although I only stayed there for less than an hour, I think I've reached a conclusion: it's almost as bad as Midgar. How does it feel to be in charge over there? Reeve was kind enough to explain to me when I got back that you were going to be governing Junon. So how does it feel to not be overshadowed by Dad? Before you ask, Dad's just fine; he's just a little (big understatement there) caught up in his work.

It wasn't that bad going on that SOLDIER mission with Sephiroth, believe it or not. Zack was there to keep me company on the plane, ship, and truck, so I wasn't bored. We ran into a monster on the way to Nibelheim, but Sephiroth took care of it. Actually, it was Sephiroth and Zack, but Sephiroth killed it before Zack could even hit it once. Sephiroth's power scares me; it always has, and I think it always will.

You remember Costa Del Sol, don't you, Ruf? We were there for a short few hours while Sephiroth checked out the truck, then we were on our way. It was raining the whole way, only to break when we finally reached Nibelheim. Let me just tell you, brother, Nibelheim is simply beautiful. It's nothing like Midgar or Junon, but it's not like Costa Del Sol either. I can't describe Nibelheim, as I'm not gazing at it anymore.

We spent the night in the inn of Nibelheim and met our guide the next morning. God, Rufus, I think I'm in love. Our guide was a complete stunner for a young girl. Her name was Tifa Lockheart, and I don't think I left her side ever since we started off. She led us up this one bridge on Mount Nibel that broke and we fell. Zack and I fell the whole way, but Sephiroth had managed to grab hold of Tifa as she began to slide. We lost sight of Johnny when the bridge snapped, but Sephiroth told us that we would keep going.

I'll say one thing about Sephiroth, though: he's brilliant -- perhaps too brilliant. He was able to explain a Mako fountain that we stumbled upon in full detail. We reached the Mount Nibel Reactor about an hour later. Sephiroth allowed Tifa to follow us in and we watched Zack and Sephiroth inspect some of the things inside. I wouldn't know what any of the things in there would do, so I kept my hands to myself.

I bet that I just bored you to death with all of that, didn't I? Sorry, but I can't push all those things into one paragraph. Spending two months away from home has that kind of effect on a person. Well, I hope you get a chance to write back with all your new paperwork over there. Take care, brother, and remember: keep smiling. I've kept my part of bargain so far.


- - - - -

June 9, XXXX

Dear Cloud,

You really want to know what I think about Junon? Well, it's not as bad as Midgar and I have a great view of the ocean from my office. As for being in charge . . . I think I'm enjoying it. Just knowing that I have the power to order around everyone around me makes me feel almighty. The paperwork isn't that heavy here; I think the most of it is over there in Midgar. But there still is paperwork, so I wasn't able to get to your letter very quickly. For that, I apologize.

I didn't see you when you were in Junon both times, but I've heard a lot of things since your second trip here, so I've already heard about how Sephiroth slew that dragon with only two hits. Yes, I remember Costa Del Sol. Who could forget that resort city that's just across the water from the city I'm in right now? Actually, when I think of Costa Del Sol, I think about when we were children. I remember trying to kill you numerous times, but you would always run back to Dad. Of course, he didn't really care, so I got to beat the pulp out of you anyway. Heh, I loved youth while it lasted.

So, you're falling in love? Well, I'm glad your falling for someone your age. . . She is your age, right? As long as she's not another Scarlet, I say you should go for it. One tip from your older, wiser brother: don't lie to her. It never works out for the better. If you might remember, Mom divorced Dad because he was lying to her about where he was going every other day.

Tell Reeve that I wish him a happy birthday. I wish I could be there myself; Reeve's like the Dad I never had. There should be a package coming along with this letter. That's Reeve's birthday present from me. Don't even think about trying to take credit for the present, Cloud. Oh, and you can also forget opening it yourself; I've ordered that it only be given to Reeve himself. You'll have to wait until he's opened the present himself to see what it is. Just writing this paragraph is making me smile, Cloud. Don't worry about that.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to all my paperwork. Take care of yourself, okay, bro


- - - - -

June 21, XXXX

Dear Rufus,

Wow, I cannot believe you gave Reeve the Cait Sith prototype! He was ecstatic when he saw it, and I was speechless! How in the world did you get your hands on it? I'm sure that Reeve is quietly pondering about that as I write, so it might help if you tell me so I can tell him. Reeve was very anxious to show me what he can do with the Cait Sith robot, so I stayed and watched him. It was like watching a puppeteer and his puppet; Reeve was able to easily talk through Cait Sith without truly using his mouth. All in all, I think it's a pretty cool gift.

Things over here are pretty slow, so don't think that you're missing a lot here. I've been attending the executive meetings for a while, and it turns out that Dad's buying in to Scarlet's Sister Ray project. You can bet that Scarlet's been in some particular place in the dead of night for the last few nights . . . if you catch my drift. From what I've been told (by Reeve, mind you), the Sister Ray is going to be built over there in Junon. Do you think if I got Dad to send me over there that I'll see you? It's been almost a month since I last saw you! (Can you tell that I'm missing you here?)

Well, onto other subjects. I have a lot of free time on my hands at the moment, as there aren't any SOLDIER missions going on. Despite what Dad's been telling me at the meetings, I think that that's not true; Sephiroth has been missing for the last few days and hasn't been seen anywhere in Midgar. Although it's really nothing new for Dad to be lying, I just have a bad feeling of what he's doing. Would you happen to know where Sephiroth is?

There's not much to talk about now that I'm writing. All I can do now is petty gossip. I heard somewhere that Tseng is in love with the Ancient that we're looking for. Can you believe that? Tseng, leader of the unmovable Turks, is in love with a Cetra! Not just that, but I've heard that Dad's sending Scarlet to Corel to talk about building a Mako Reactor over there. I'm surprised that Dad didn't send her to someplace like Icicle Inn or Mideel to have a reactor built. What do you think of that?


- - - - -

July 23, XXXX

Dear Cloud,

Let's just say I have my sources with the Cait Sith robot. I received a letter from Reeve, and he was very happy about the robot as well. I'm glad that my gift is such a hit over there. How are things over there? Things are quite boring over here, as I've been stuck with paperwork -- which seems to be growing faster that ever. I got a fax from Dad only two days ago. Scarlet's supposed to come over here after she's done in Corel to talk about the Sister Ray. Let's just hope that's all that she's going to talk about. Talk to dad about you coming over; it'd be great to see you again. I'd like to see which one of us is taller now.

I've made a new friend since I last wrote to you. I met him while meeting the new recruits for the Junon guards. His name is Reno. He's twenty-three and is a very humorous guy to be around. I personally think he didn't know I was the head of Junon when he first saw me; when the soldiers announced me, his green eyes promptly bugged out. I think you'll like him, Cloud. Whenever he's off duty, he comes up to my office, pretty much unannounced, and chats with me for a while.

From what I know, Reno wants to be a Turk some day. I honestly told him that he doesn't look very Turkish compared to Tseng and Rude. Reno took one look at me and declared, "I may be a slob, but I'm just as dangerous as either of them!" I told him to prove it. For a moment, Reno just stared at me, then took out the strangest weapon I ever saw: an electric nightstick. He explained that it has enough volts to kill someone in five minutes flat if he lets it stay in the guy's gut long enough. That's why I'm telling you about Reno, Cloud; I think he might actually be a candidate for the Turks. Can you talk to Heidegger about it for me? Or, if that big oaf's still too dense to do anything about it, can you talk to Tseng? I'd really appreciate it.

I honestly don't know anything about Sephiroth's current whereabouts or anything. It's odd how that man (IF he's a man) can disappear into the thin air without anyone noticing. Sorry that I can't help you with that; I'd really like to, believe me. Now, what's this about Tseng falling in love? Whoooa! I never thought I'd see the day! Take care of yourself, Cloud, and keep me informed about this development. I hope to see you soon.


* * * * *

Cloud eyed Scarlet wearily from where he sat on the helicopter. He shook his head. 'The things I go through for you, Rufus,' he thought glumly. It had only been a week after he had received Rufus' latest letter and he was already heading over to Junon with Scarlet. He wondered if Rufus would have changed any over the two months they've had apart. Deep inside, he hoped he had hadn't.

"Mr. Shinra, Miss Cassidi," came Tseng's voice, "we're nearing Junon."

Solemnly, Cloud nodded before settling back into his seat. As he gazed out through the window, he could see the seemingly endless field of grass give way to dirt, which finally gave way to the dark shadows that seemed to accompany everything built by Shinra Incorporated. As they began their descent down onto the base above Junon Harbor, Cloud could see SOLDIERs below, all of them running drills or marching. The younger Shinra, suddenly self-conscious, looked down at his attire. He was wearing the black bodysuit worn by First Class SOLDIERs, complete with the shoulder guard and armlet. As he looked at his attire, Cloud couldn't help but admire his newly acquired muscles. He couldn't wait to see Rufus' reaction. As the helicopter finally touched ground, Cloud could see a very familiar-looking man walk up to the helicopter. His hair billowed wildly against the force of the propellers, but his face remained stoic. Cloud held his breath as Tseng cut the engine and exited, opening the door for the two other passengers to get off. Scarlet was the first to exit and she walked past the man, not aware of the cold pair of eyes on her as she passed. Cloud, on the other hand, was completely aware of the man's gaze upon him and he looked at the man carefully, wondering what he was doing there. 'Sephiroth. . .,' he thought.

Cloud chose this time to break away from the others, hurrying past Sephiroth and Scarlet to get to the main building. Just a little into the perimeter, Cloud heard a sharp voice behind him. "Hey!" it called. "Stop right there! What's your number, soldier?!" Frowning, Cloud turned to the speaker, narrowing his eyes dangerously on the commander, who nearly jumped back when he saw his eyes. "Oh! Uh-- er, sorry, Mr. Shinra! I forgot you were coming over!"

"Well, I'm here," he said icily before turning around and heading into the building. As he walked up a flight of stairs, he silently thought about what he had done back there. He couldn't believe he had acted so coldly to that commander; it seemed so un-Cloud-like. Shaking his head, the young man continued on, climbing three more flights of stairs before he reached the large office that had to belong to his brother.

The young man walked around, looking at the large office. It was almost as big as his dad's back in Midgar. The large desk at the front of the office was vacant -- Rufus wasn't anywhere to be seen. Cloud was about ready to leave when he heard an automatic door open to his right and he turned just in time to see a white-clad man step out of the side room. The man was slightly taller than before and his hair was longer, but there was no doubt about it: it was Rufus. Rufus walked towards him, then passed right by him to get to the exit. Blinking, Cloud turned to see Rufus walk halfway to the exit. Cloud was about ready to sputter out something when Rufus stopped, turned around, and walked right back to him. Only once he had stopped again did he say anything.

"I know you, don't I?" he stated with such cold indifference it scared Cloud. Cloud noticed that his brother's voice had gotten slightly deeper since the last he had seen him.

"Rufus, it's me," he said, hoping he didn't sound *too* anxious.

Rufus simply stared at him. Just before Cloud could say something else, Rufus smirked and punched Cloud's unarmored shoulder playfully, heading over to his large desk and sitting down. He gestured for him to sit at one of the chairs near his desk, saying, "I know it's you, Cloud."

"Dear God, Ruf," started Cloud, "don't scare me like that again!"

The older of the two Shinras chuckled, leaning back into his chair. "It's not often I get to scare you nowadays, huh, Cloud?"

"Well, yes," Cloud admitted as he sat down, then added, "but that wasn't funny."

"I thought it was pretty funny," came a voice from behind Cloud.

Cloud jumped out of his seat, whirling around to lay eyes on a handsome man with unkempt red hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. Rufus was still laughing. "Cloud, this is Reno. Reno, meet my little brother, Cloud."

"Heh," Reno chuckled, taking the other chair and looking at Cloud. "So you're Cloud? Ruf's told me a lot about you. . . Like that you're Shinra's biggest gossip."

Cloud couldn't help but smile. "Yup," he said proudly, "that's me."

"Still ever-so-modest, Cloud?" Rufus smiled at his little brother.

"You know me the best, Rufus," Cloud laughed. He shook his head and grinned. "God, I missed you."

"Same here," Rufus admitted. "It never was quite the same without you here to talk to." He looked Cloud up and down, his brow rising. "SOLDIER's really done a numbered on you, huh?"

"Eh. . . Well, it's all positive, really."

"No kidding," Reno remarked. He let out a whistle. "I've seen some SOLDIERs that aren't as developed as he is. Damn, Ruf, you're bro's pretty buff."

"Not really."

"Ha! Now there's the modest Cloud I know!" Cloud flushed a little. "Come off it, Cloud; you've got a nice built. I don't get much of a chance to work out, but I've managed to stay away from the `fat` category."

Cloud looked thoughtful. "You don't look like you've gained a pound, bro," he replied honestly. Suddenly, he remembered something. "I thought you said that you didn't know where Sephiroth was, Rufus. He's here in Junon; I just saw him a while ago."

"Ugh . . . when I wrote to you, Cloud, that thing about Sephiroth was true. He just showed up yesterday and he didn't say anything about where he was, and that's the truth. I swear it upon Reeve's Cait Sith robot."

"You don't have to swear; I believe you," Cloud sighed. He looked at Reno. "Rufus told me that you want to be a Turk." Reno froze when he said that.

"Ruf. . .," Reno started, slowly averting his eyes to Rufus, "you told your brother that I wanted to be a Turk." Rufus looked a bit chagrined, but Reno smiled. "You rascal! You and your letters!"

"I managed to talk to Tseng about you, Reno," Cloud said. Reno snapped his head back to him. "He said that he'd like to talk to you when you got the chance.

What happened next, was completely and utterly surprising.

"YAHOO!!!" Reno was jumping up and down, shouting out with the Shinra brothers looked on. "WOOOHOOOO!!!" This continued on for another five minutes before he sat back down, his face composed and drawn.

"Are you quite done yet?" Rufus calmly asked Reno.


At that, all three of them burst into laughter.

* * * * *

"I've really enjoyed the last two days, Cloud," Rufus said over the roar of the helicopter, smiling at his little brother. "I just wish that they hadn't gone by so fast."

"Same here, Rufus," Cloud sighed. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

Rufus nodded. "I know you will . . . and I doubt that you'll be able to make a trip back here anytime soon."

"Dad said that it's going to be strictly business from here on," Cloud said, clearly disappointed. "I guess I won't be able to see you until your five years are up."

"Bummer," Rufus muttered. "Well, I'll see you, okay?" Cloud nodded as Rufus walked over to Reno. "'Can't believe it still, huh?"

Reno was now dressed in the official uniform of the Turks. He had added a pair of shades that dressed his still-messy hair. "Nope," Reno sighed, "and I doubt I ever will." He paused before going on. "Thanks Ruf."

"What for? You became a Turk all by yourself."

"Not that." Reno bit his lip. He was never good at words. "Well . . . thanks for being a friend. If nothing more than that."

"Don't mention it." Rufus and Reno clasped hands in a farewell gesture before Rufus went back to Cloud. The older of the two tried his best to smile. "God, this is always ending with goodbyes, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so." Cloud smiled weakly as well. "Be careful of Sephiroth, will you?"

"As long as you watch out for Scarlet."

"Don't worry about that! She wouldn't dare lay her fingers on this bod; I could probably twist her into a pretzel easily."

Rufus laughed. "I'd love to see that someday."

"Maybe you will." Cloud looked back at the helicopter. "Look, we better get going before Tseng gets angry. Believe me, you do *not* want to see Tseng angry. It's scary beyond belief."

"I'll take your word for that. Take care."

"You too . . . and keep smiling."

"Will you ever quit with that?" Rufus was grinning.

"No." Cloud smiled before gesturing to Reno for them to leave.

The two brothers stared at each other as the helicopter left, this time carrying Cloud away from Rufus. Rufus sighed and headed back to his office, biting his lip when he saw the large pile of papers on his desk. He spent the next six hours doing paperwork . . . and writing a letter to Cloud and Reno.

He never did get a letter back.

** End Part 2 **