Nekkyo Zine #7
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Final Fantasy Gaiden

One look at these screen shots is sure to shock: FF Gaiden is the first direct sequel in the history of the series. Surely this is the title Square intended to "rock the industry." Set directly after the end of FF VIII, the game's main character is none other than Squall's nemesis, Seifer. It seemed odd that Square refers to the "three main characters" of FFVIII as Squall, Rinoa, and Seifer, when Seifer's part in the game was fairly minimal. Now, the delineation is clear. Seifer is accompanied by his two fellow Disciplinary Committee members, Fuujin and Raijin. An event screen has Seifer expressing his desire to "become a better person." His intent to change and personal redemption are likely the focus of the story. What other twists the plot contains are unknown, but another screenshot reveals that Laguna, Kiros, and Ward return as player characters. Another shot shows that FF series staples Biggs and Wedge are party characters for the first time since FF VI.

   Fans are likely to balk at FF Gaiden's nature: a direct sequel reusing much media from the previous title. Square seems to have taken these concerns in mind with the title's unique release format and pricing. The title is only two CDs long and will retail for the incredible price of 3800 yen, or just $32. It will be released somtime in the near future. Final Fantasy Gaiden uses the same engine, world map, many of the same locations, and much of the same music as its predecessor. Why would Square do such a thing? FF VI's and FF VII's release were separated by several years, as Square mastered new hardware and new game creation techniques. FF Gaiden will be released on the PS1, because Square wants it to remain as close to it's original as possible. "Even though we have the ability to use the Playstation 2," commented a Squaresoft spokesperson, "we wish to use the original PlayStation. We believe fans of Final Fantasy VIII will be happy with our decision."

  Don't you worry, Squaresoft. We can assure you we're already overjoyed at the mere thought!

September 2002

Final Fantasy Gaiden

Final Fantasy Gaiden

click here to download file (Final Fantasy Gaiden Battle - taken from one battle at different time to show all the characters)

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